Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We attended a multi-zone conference for missionaries in the Tupelo and Huntsville-Madison zones on Tuesday (20 March). .

For multi-zone conferences missionaries attend the location that is closest to their residence. The Conference was held at the Huntsville Stake center building.

Elder and Sister Smalley, our AMA (Area Medical Advisors) attended.
He is a retired physician from Southern California serving a full-time mission with his wife. They are assigned to help our mission.
They live in Georgia and drove to Huntsville to speak to the missionaries.

Our conference began at 8:30 am and occluded about 3:00 pm. We enjoyed several special musical numbers and talks by Elder and Sister Smalley, Brother and Sister Clingo, and Sister Curtis. Our Mission President spoke on the Doctrine of the Father.

Here are the four of us: Sisters Hoyos, Sherwin, Kemp and Newmyer - ready for lunch.

In the afternoon, we held a Book of Mormon study; along with another special musical number and a talk by our Mission President.

Come listen to living prophets

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