Monday, March 19, 2012

Letter - March 19, 2012

This week has been very different because we had both transfers and a baptism. Transfers were on Wednesday so we all went up together to Birmingham.
My new companion is Hermana Newmyer from Utah.

We also have 2 other sisters with us Sister Sherwin and Sister Hoyos. Their area was double transferred so they are working really hard to keep up with those investigators that were already there and finding new ones.

The baptism on Saturday was great.
We worked hard all day to finalize everything and it all turned out really well.

Our investigator who was baptized said that he felt really great. He was telling us in the days preceding the baptism that his wife wouldn't be able to come because she had to work.
We really wanted her to be there to support her husband and to be able to feel the spirit there at the baptism.
So it was disappointing to hear that she wouldn't be able to attend. But that morning we prayed that Heavenly Father might open a way for her that she might
be able to attend the baptism.

Then when we walked into the room where the baptism was being held, there she was sitting there! It was really a miracle and I was so happy that she was able to attend.

The next day was Sunday and we called him around 10 just to see how everything was going, and he said he was ating he was confirmed. We talked to him afterwards and he told us he feels so great.

He really wants his family to be baptized as well because he doesn't want to follow the Lord's path alone, but he said that he would still continue and he has faith that one day they will follow.lready ready to go to church, which doesn't start until 12:15.

He was really excited to get there. It was great, in our Gospel Principles class he even bore his testimony. He was confirmed in sacrament meeting.

That has really been the highlight of the week. But we are still working hard and still finding more and more people.

There is an apartment complex we found a few weeks back that is filled with Spanish speaking people, so there is a lot of work there to do. We have found 2 or 3 people there who are really solid and I think will progress really well. There is a lot of potential there and if we can get a member in there I think it will do a lot of good.

We go out to Athens once a week. We usually just went to specific people that we already knew and didn't do much tracting. But as we were driving around, we saw a bunch of streets with Spanish-speaking people, so that's what we plan to do this Saturday to find more people up there. It might be hard to get them to church because it is pretty far away for them to drive down to Huntsville every week for church, but I think there is a lot of potential there.

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