Friday, February 17, 2012

Letter - February 13, 2012

We had a miracle this week. We found a great new investigator and it was completely led by the spirit. We were tracting and were hesitating whether or not to go into this apartment complex, but then we prayed and decided to go in. The first person we talked to a woman, the only person in the entire complex that speaks Spanish.

She knew everyone there because she works there cleaning the apartments. She had met with missionaries back in Mexico, but had never gone to church. She was very excited about meeting people that spoke Spanish, so we invited her to the Spanish branch on Sunday and she really wanted to go.

We went back the next day and taught the first lesson. She loved all of it and accepted an invitation to be baptized.
It was a great experience. She was so ready. She came to church on Sunday and had a great time and met all the members of the Spanish branch. We still have only taught her once, but we're going back again on Wednesday. We're going to really focus on her and make sure she has a strong testimony of the restoration and prepare her well for baptism.

She was our greatest miracle this week, but there are many. We write down all the special experiences we have everyday and we find that we do have them everyday. One that was particularly amazing to me was on Saturday. That day was the coldest it has been so far. It was even snowing a little in the morning.

That night, after the sun set, it was even colder. The minute we walked out with our bikes I was shivering and we had about a 45 minute ride ahead of us. So we prayed before we left that we would make it there safely and that our investigators would be open to our message. The minute we started riding I stopped feeling cold. I could see my breath in the air and I could feel the wind in my face, but it was like it couldn't touch me. I know that that time was different because the days before had not been as cold as Saturday and I was freezing. I know that what happened that night was special.

It was also a great lesson with the two people we were teaching. They are preparing for baptism, but they still have some things to prepare, so that night we made a solid plan for them to reach their goals. They were really receptive and I think they are going to really try this time. They also came to church yesterday and had a really good time. The Lord protected us in travelling over there because they really needed that lesson, and the lesson wasn't from us, it was what the spirit directed us to tell them.

Every morning we have an hour of personal study to read the scriptures. Every time, I find a new inspirational scripture for me or one that I need to share with my investigator. The best one this week was Alma 27:7-And Ammon said: I will go and inquire of the Lord, and if he tells us to go, will ye go? (Rough translation from Spanish because I don't have my English scriptures). But I loved this scripture because it shows us what we need to do before we pray for an answer. We need to have real intent, as it says in Moroni 10:4. We need to decide before hand that we will act on the answer that Heavenly Father gives us no matter what it might be. We need to ask ourselves before hand, "If Heavenly Father tells me to go, will I go?" I've strengthened my resolve to make the answer to that question: Yes.

The work that is going on here is great; I love being in Huntsville. The members here are few, but they are so amazing and always so willing to help us out with rides and with accompanying us to appointments. All the investigators and the people we meet we have are so nice and are constantly feeding us-whether or they agree with our message. I love the work!

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